
At any time, we are happy to answer any questions or queries you may have about Origin Immigration, about immigration or about Canada.

We offer a free initial assessment option, which will assess your eligibility for Canadian immigration.

Consultation (30-60 minutes)
Review your personal circumstance and intended outcomes
Appraisal of option on visa eligibility/ suitability for immigration to Canada
Make recommendations to improve your eligibility
Identify any potential issues or challenges
Advise on immigration process, timescale, government fees
Written summary of your consultation
Formulate a personalized plan to progress your application
Prepare an individualized list of supporting documents and evidence required
Provide advice on police certificates, medical and other requirements
Dedicated RCIC client manager
Detailed consultation for visa submission
Prepare and complete all forms
Application form and document check
Make comprehensive written submission to IRCC, presenting your case and detailing how your situation meets with the relevant legislative requirements
Continued support until your application is approved and your visa/ permit is issued
Manage and respond to all correspondence from IRCC
Provide you with regular updates on your case
Settlement in Canada Information